My name is Stephanie Styron and I am your PTA President for this current year.
I encourage each and every one of you to become a part of our team. The number one reason to join the PTA is to benefit the children! Without our parent volunteers, most of our events would not be possible, including Club Beverly Farms, Enrichment Programs, Cultural Assemblies, and more!
The majority of PTA funding comes from membership, just by joining (not volunteering) you will be making all of the events your student enjoys in and out of school possible! Without your support we cannot hold all of these events (ex: 2024 science fair was canceled).
Please click here to find out where you can help.
We are thrilled to have an amazing year and thank you for your ongoing support! I look forward to meeting you all.
All the best,
Stephanie Styron
Beverly Farms PTA President

Upcoming PTA General Membership Meetings
Tuesday, February 4 7pm-8pm
Tuesday, May 6 7pm-8pm
Zoom in to the meeting to see what the PTA is about – LINK WILL BE AVAILABLE IN MS. S’s E-MAIL BLAST!!
Join the BFES PTA
For the most up-to-date information on PTA events and activities, join us by signing up at AtoZ Connect.
Upcoming Events
Monday, Nov 4: Professional Day: NO SCHOOL
Saturday, Nov 9: Skate Night: 6:30-8PM Cabin John Ice Rink
Monday, Nov 11: Picture Day Re-take
Monday, Nov 18: 5th grade yearbook contest deadline
Monday and Tuesday, Nov 25&26: Early Release day: Students dismissed at 12:55
Wednesday-Friday, Nov 27-29: Thanksgiving Holiday All schools and offices closed
Connect with Us
***Fundraising*** **Spirit Nights**
Wednesday, Nov 6:
Ledos Pizza Westlake 5PM-9PM -Online-Dine in- Carry out- Online Code: Fundraiser
November 6- Tie Dye Day, wear tie dye or rainbow colors!
Ask how you can volunteer at Beverly Farms ES this year!